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ADSL Broadband - General Information


What is ADSL and how does it work?

ADSL is a digital communications system that operates over a standard BT telephone line. The communication is made possible via two ADSL modems - one at the user premise and one at your local BT exchange.

A 'splitter' (or Micro Filter), separates the telephone voice signal from the digital ADSL signal, and allows telephone calls to be made at the same time as data is being transmitted on ADSL.

In order for you to use ADSL in your Home/Office PC - you must utilise a Router/Modem and one or Micro Filters.


Physical Connections



1. Micro Filters

The micro filters should be placed between the wall socket and your telephony equpment - such that no telephone device is connected direct to the telephone service.

Additionally, the ADSL Router / Modem should be connected to one of the micro filters - using the supplied cable.

2. ADSL Modem / Router (USB)

  1. Ensure that the power to the Modem is off.
  2. Connect the Modem to the Computer using the supplied USB cable.
  3. Power on the Modem device - your Computer should prompt you for installation media.
  4. The installation software and drivers will be suplied on the accompanying CD
  5. Follow the installation procedure supplied with the modem device

3. ADSL Modem / Router (Ethernet)

  1. Ensure that the power to the Modem is off.
  2. Connect the Modem to the Computer using the supplied Ethernet cable.
  3. Power on the Modem device.
  4. If the device has been preconfigured - you will be able to access it usong your local area network.
  5. Our Ethernet devices operate on one of two IP address rangers (192.168.0.x with address or (10.x.x.x with address
  6. The installation software and drivers will be suplied on the accompanying CD
  7. Follow the installation procedure supplied with the modem device


Router - General Configuration


This information is intended as a guide to assist customers with configuration details that may be required for your ADSL equipment.

Please note: We cannot directly support any other hardware - other than that provided by E Business Services (digiDSL).

VPI setting

0 (zero)

VCI setting


Protocol type

PPPoA (or RFC 2364)



Traffic type





ITU G.dmt

Dial up number

Enter any number

IP address

-- will be allocated automatically -




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